My bestest baking buddy Carol's very good friend was getting married and i couldn't do the cake for her because of my family commitments. So Carol undertook the task by herself and look what an amazing job she did!
It's fantastic, Carol! All that time and effort with the planning, making the "props" paid off! The bride and the groom must be overwhelmed with your effort to make their wedding cake so special and dear to their hearts. The couple are adventure enthusiasts, which explains the canoe and the rock climbing wall and the bicycle. That Sculpey bicycle Carol made has wheels and pedals that actually turn! Amazing.
And the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting tasted great too!
Big round of applause!!!!
I'll leave Carol to talk more about the cake storyboard. :O)
Just like you were so excited to have your cake featured on baking911, I’m SOOOOO honoured you have mine posted up on your blog! I can’t say enough “thank-yous” for your ideas, encouragement, prayers and excitement over the cake. I hope the final product made up for you missing the S’pore vs Thai goal that night we discussed the cake design… Xie xie shi-fu! Thank you! Gam-sia! Daw-zair!
Not forgetting… It was by God’s grace that I was able to transport the cake in one piece halfway across Singapore
So, the Ziyang-Meixuan wedding cake story goes like this…
The bride cycles over a (chocolate twirl) log bridge up the (crumbly) dirt track to the (4-layer carrot cake) mountain-top. Meanwhile, starting from a (rock candy) cave in the side of the mountain, the groom furiously rows his (polymer clay) canoe down the raging river and hurriedly parks it by the (grassy) bank. He uses all the strength he can muster to leap over the (Milo nugget) boulders then scales the treacherous vertical (oreo) rock wall. With one final step up, he reaches out for his bride, she gives him her hand (in marriage) and it’s happily ever after at the mountain peak. Haha… so (cream)cheesy*...
*Here’s the part where I cheated: My cream cheese frosting came straight out of the Betty Crocker® box, not the mixing bowl. But the cream cheese that was served with the cake did really come out of my Kenwood.
This is one feat that I’m NOT about to pull off alone anytime in the near future. Looking forward to helping out in your next cake, Suwei!
Meixuan and Ziyang, glad you liked your funny green wedding cake :)"