My baby wakes up a couple of times a night and he seldom sleeps more than 4 hour stretches.
So it's like he falls asleep at 9:45 pm, 12 mn he stirs, 4 am he stirs, 6 am he stirs, 7:45 he's up for the day. He naps about twice a day. Everytime he stirs, I nurse him back to sleep. Now, he needs to nurse to sleep. So. It's a terrible cycle. Very hard habit to break because nursing is the fastest quietest way to get him back to sleep...
But the broken sleep is very tiring. I do wonder how I get through the day with such terrible rest at night. I wake up tired in the morning and if i don't get my spirit right with Jesus, the rest of the day is an uphill battle with my own grouchiness.
Most new moms are eager to know when their babies will sleep through the night. I was like that. I read a very good book about this called "Babywise" by Gary Ezzo. I still recommend it to new parents because it gives an excellent strategy for a new parent to know what the infant is crying about. The book, however, claims that allowing the baby to cry himself to sleep will cause him to learn how to comfort himself back to sleep without depending on "sleep props".
According to the book, the baby should be done crying in 20 mins and be soundly asleep by that time. I can testify that my firstborn cried 50 mins and still didn't sleep. And I hardened my heart to allow him to cry thinking that if i picked him up, he would unlearn what i was trying to teach him.
Anyway, thank God. No. 1 developed a distended tummy from all that crying (which caused more crying), so we stopped that altogether and rocked him to sleep. huh.
Well, back to my current situation. I guess I'm used to it. I sleep only every other year: the year I get pregnant. Then I give birth and don't sleep for a year till they're weaned of mama's milk. It's strange. They all do finally sleep through the night the moment we cut the breastfeeding altogether and switch to formula milk.
Why on earth don't I cut the breastfeeding now, then??? Afterall, he is already 15 mths old! Am I suicidal?
Sigh... that's my own reluctance to admit that my tender little baby is growing up and not going to need the nourishment I've been giving him since his birth when he needed only my milk for all his growing needs. To severe that precious tie- that closeness that he and i experience everytime he nestles in my arms for a comforting suckle- is a painful thought. I think every mother who nurses extended periods feels this way.
So, having a proper night's sleep is something I haven't had in 15mths now. (Imagine not sleeping more than 4 hour stretches for 15 mths.) But I love the one who is the cause of my sleep depravation to bits. That must be true, true love.
Congratulations, belle, on having found true love! :O)
1 Thessalonians 2:7 But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children:
Mamas out there, what's your story?
I'm 36 weeks pregnant and my hubby and I are expecting our first baby very soon. We can't wait! I don't have any experience breastfeeding, however, I'm planning on breastfeeding.(There's so many benefits....why not try?) Thanks for your story on what it has been like for you. As sleep deprived as you are, it sounds like it has been a positive and wonderful experience. Also, when the time is right, I wish you a good night's sleep :)
Posted by: eemoms.com blapher | March 30, 2007 at 12:00 AM
well, Hello eemoms, I read "36wks" so i thought i better reply right away!!!
Congratulations that you are about to pop! Oh I know that feeling... can't wait to get the weight off...
Yes, breastfeeding is a most pleasurable experience. Though at first, you'll have to prepared for all the soreness as your nipples adjust to being stretched and all that. A real oucher. But maybe it won't happen to you lah...
Hang in there, girl. It will get easier, and soon, you'll be real happy you;re not having to sterilize bottles all day and bring a big bag for the milk paraphenelia: bottles, hot water, roomtemperature water, milk powder... blah..
All the best!
(if you encounter any duifficulties, do write! I'll try my best to answer any qns. about breastfeeding.)
Posted by: Suwei | March 30, 2007 at 02:32 PM
Hi Suwei, I'm a breastfeeding mother too. Have been doing it for the past 8 months and still enjoying it. My baby loves to nurse to sleep too, though many dentists will certainly hate us for doing that. :p Sleep deprivation? All mothers suffer from that, don't we? Welcome to motherhood. :)
Posted by: chlorine | April 03, 2007 at 10:07 AM
Hi Cl! Thanks for dropping a note! I'm trying to break the nurse to sleep thing now and boy is it tough... phew...
Posted by: Suwei | April 03, 2007 at 03:14 PM