Are you kidding? Kids in primary school keep getting a failing mark? Yes. And it is worn like a badge of honour because it sometimes signals that they come from a school which sets very high standards for their students. (?)
In some schools, it is common for their students (even lower primary kids) not to get beyond 50 marks regularly because their papers are so difficult. Well. Good for that school, I guess. (?) (This is first hand info I got from an ex-teacher of one such primary school.)
As a parent, I know that the taste of success is a very important reward for work well done. It makes the child want to keep going and keep achieving greater levels of difficulty. It's called positive reinforcement.
When a child tries and tries and is still unable to reach impossible goals (like unrealistically difficult test papers), the child will give up and loose hope, loose interest. That's when the whole thing unravels. Sadly, there are perfectly bright kids who have lost the education race right at the start because of this kind of unrealistic expectations of schools and parents.
Parents. Be very careful to protect your child's heart and love for learning. Keep it positive. The road to that university degree and beyond is one long road. Make sure your child has enough passion and grit to go the whole way.
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