No. 1 was pumped (with adrenaline)! The day before, he got out his daddy's camo mossie net cloth, camo hat, army belt and was busy dressing himself with it. I wanted to take a picture but he refused. :OP
We reached Jurong Camp at 10 something in the morning because that's where we have to leave the vehicle to take a shuttle bus to get into Pasir Laba Camp. We also had the cousins join us for this very fieldy field trip.
Actually, daddy was as pumped as no. 1 was but thankfully, he did not run around the place imagining he was carrying an assault rifle yelling "Charge!!!". (You will notice his imaginary gun in almost all the pics...) But Daddy... when we reached Jurong Camp, he simply had to wind down the windows to smell the three tonners.
He did the same with the camo covers too. *deep breath* Ahhhhhh
Brings back sweat memories....
Something I can't understand, but having gone through the AOH, I can say I do appreciate my man a little more for having survived his Army stint. (As a guardsman, no less!)
Well, what baby and I did for the most part of this field trip was to join the queue whilst daddy and the kids went around to view other stuff. like the above pic: the Guards booth.
The very gigantic Chinook (which is alot bigger on the ground than it looks in the sky) didn't have a queue because it was just a walk through the very big whirly bird.
The Apache, though, was a long queue (but I stuck it out!!) just so the kids could get to sit in the co-pilot's seat and take a photo. (And be trigger happy with the little red button on the "gear stick". * click click* What?? no mass destruction??? )
It was a really exciting experience for the bigger boys because they got to not only touch the hardware, they even had the chance to do target practice firing blanks with a rifle. It was the first time the kids fired a real rifle (look out, Afghanistan! :OP ).
I didn't get any photos of that though because I was so excited about getting a chance to shoot too! 5 out of 5! Husband gave all the credit to the scope. Humph!
And then, whilst we were enjoying the demo show where cool terrorists with matching red bandannas were being pounded non-stop by assault rifles shot from a light weight vehicle, (why didn't they send out the Ang Mo Kio hostages???) Like all documentary cliff hangers.... Disaster Struck.
Commercial Break
Do you allow your children to play with guns? I'm the kind of mom who tells their children war is not a game, you know? The soldiers who die are somebody's papa or somebody's son or somebody's brother.... I do recognise God put an innate instinct in boys to want to fight and defend and protect, I just think that that has it's place and time and childhood is not the time to revel in killing people. My 2 cents'
End of Commercial Break
Just as we we were enjoying the show at around mid-day, I thought it was about time to change the baby's diaper which was 3/4 full. I look into our "gai gai" bag and, lo and behold, we were out of diapers!!! Zero, Zilch, Zip. deado duck.
I naturally blamed husband because he was the one who grabbed the bag in the morning when I was getting something else. Why didn't he check? He doesn't mind if we're diaper-less. It's not the end of the world to him. (It is to me!!!)
So I hope against all hope that we'll be able to last all the way till we get home before the diaper explodes. But it was not meant to be for at lunch time.. he pooped! No way was I going to go through the rest of the day with him in a poopy diaper. No way. Nor was I going to clean him and go diaper-less... that'd be like waiting for a bomb to go off.
So, I spied around that crowded canteen with all the lunch goers for strollers, and then I checked to see if the child was a similar sized child. Having found one, I began to sheepishly beg for a diaper, admitting that I had forgotten to bring even a single one out of the house. (Hope she didn't see how many children I have and that I'm supposed to be so seasoned in bringing children out.. :OP )
Well, who says Singaporeans are kiam siap? The very first mom I approached was so willing to share her extra diapers and putting down my reasons with, "I sometimes forget myself.." I thanked her profusely and when I walked past after I changed Baby, I thanked her again!
The entire day, no. 1 was asking when he could get his face painted. He was so disappointed (almost to tears) when the face painting station at the tent was too crowded.
But then the very next place we went to, we were approached by a soldier asking if the kids would like to have their face painted. Would he ever! Paint away!
Anyways, so much for an eventful day.... :O) Whenever we go for these open houses, like last year's Air Force Open House, I'm always keenly aware that I have three sons who will one day do their 2 year stint in National Service. It always fills me with pride and at the same time dread. If you're a Christian mother like me, you'll know what I mean.
Some other shots of the day: