Firstly, I have to welcome the readers of Vanilla and Mothers and Babies magazines!! So glad you decided to drop by. Hope you enjoy the read and join me for my continuing log on our adventures in homeschooling! :O)
For those who don't know, I contributed an email interview to these two mags for October's issues!
I was asked to submit to the magazine a recent photo. So naturally we tried taking afew and submitted the best one. For the Vanilla one, son and I sat at his schoolroom table and but they cropped that all out and zoomed in on our faces. It seemed alittle elongated because it made my son look fat! He is "healthy fleshy" but certainly not fat. :OP And if he looked fat, oh, there was nothing to save me. Sigh. I looked like a prime candidate for some extreme make-over program or something.
So I must admit I spent a while wallowing in self pity that I don't look as good as I used to. Like after the first pregnancy, everything went downhill from there. For those who have yet to give birth, don't worry, it may not happen to you. There are so many beautiful moms out there! I just don't happen to be one of them.. (Don't worry, I'm actually laughing the whole time I'm typing this. :O) )
In analyzing this further, there were probably several contributing factors. One is the physical changes that pregnancy did to my facial and bodily frame. Structurally, it is simply impossible to get back to that pre-pregnancy figure.
And then, there are other things like the lack of maintenance.
Staying at home, and going out mostly only for mundane things like groceries, has made me very lazy to dress up. I hate shopping for clothes coz 1. I can't fit into much of the undersized clothes on the racks and 2. It's very hard to find modest clothes anyway. Much to my husband's consternation, (people will say I never buy you clothes!!!) I've been wearing much the same clothes for the past 5 years? (Oh dear, some of you will be saying...) My dearest sis has been real nice to sew culottes for me and the latest one even had a pocket! Yipee!
Plus I have never been the sort to put on make up. I bought one lipstick in during my uni days and never used it beyond one third of the stick and never bought another ever again. Didn't like it getting into my diet. Cosmetics companies will go bust if they only had customers like me.
"Beauty" products that I buy on a whim never gets used even halfway. Too lazy to put on creams and stuff. Occasionally I use a very nice exfoliating peachy face wash. That's about it for skin care. I've never been for a spa treatment or a mani/petti-cure. (Gasp!) Never had the time. Or energy, really.
I make yearly trips to the hairdresser. That is a "luxury". And don't you hate it when they barrage you with a whole list of what's wrong with your hair texture or your scalp or whatever they can find fault with so that they can sell you some beauty hair repair product that you will only use for three days and never touch again because you are too lazy?
I have a untameable mop of curly hair. I like my nest. Most days it drives me nuts being accosted at the mirror to know I've been walking around looking like a madwoman, but I can't imagine myself any other way. *air of resignation* Hairdressers never fail to ask if I want to straighten it. Honestly, I don't have the how many hours it takes to take the waves out of hair. And knowing my hair, it'll probably fight back in a day or two.
Lack of exercise. (Does running up a flight of stairs with the 11 kg baby count?) I only recently realized that we need to walk 3 km a day to count as having exercised. 3 km A DAY! What?? My poor flabby body. And to think when I was in primary school, I was one of those kids who was thoroughly sweaty from play even before afternoon session school bell rang. At pri 6, I could do pull ups from hanging position, you know? Now, it's only my right biceps that are fairly strong from carrying babies around. Babies and laundry baskets.
What a recipe for disaster!!! I wonder how other stay-at-home-moms do it. I wonder how other SAHMs who are homeschooling do it? I hope I haven't permanently put anyone off from considering taking on my line of work. It's really just me. Unless you're lazy like me. :OP
This evening, my sister's family were over and we all had some time to cycle and sis and I did some brisk walking that was probably not 3 km worth. BUT it feels good. Feels tiring, actually. But I know it's doing my body good. Do you know what the Bible says about exercise? And I say this tongue in cheek because God does want us to honour our bodies:
1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
The woman in the above picture doesn't exist anymore. But you know what, her beauty on the inside has become more radiant than those 9 years before with all the trials and testing her Maker has carried her through.... and that is what really counts in God's eyes, amen? :O)
Blessings to you!
Proverbs 31:30-31 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
Dear reader, if you have any questions about homeschooling, Christian parenting, or just want to share a thought.. whatever, Do Write! I'll be happy to answer questions, direct them to more knowledgeable people, etc. :O)
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