You are in America. America the strong, America the free...They are kind, they are generous.. They have an un-canny ability to go on at great lengths on subjects they know nothing about.
And this is the premise of this special edition of the Canadian Rick Mercer's Talking to America. He's going around interviewing people on the street about whether they should free Nelson Mendela, or America should send out more ground troops in Skeketchua. Invariably, Americans will answer a resounding Yes! And he gets Americans to do congratulatory messages to Cananda for different things like getting a second area code or getting a new 24 hour clock.
There were other street interviews I viewed had an interviewer (who looks much different than John Howard) telling folks that he was John Howard, the Prime Minister of Australia, and he was greeted with the utmost courtesy and respect.
Anyway, for a laugh....