Baby, you are getting too big.
When you stretch, you kick my stomach! Youch! (I initially thought it was my intestines you were kicking, silly me.)
And it's really funny when you start hiccuping! Why do you do that? :O)
I can't buckle my shoes comfortably. Nor can I see my feet any more.
In fact, when your 3 yr old brother stands close to me, he's completely eclipsed by you!
Anything that falls on the floor stays there till someone rescues it. Unless I can manage to clip it between my toes and swing it to my hands. It's really tricky doing things with a huge shifting, stretching ball (that's you, baby) stuck at the abdomen.
But I forgive you. I guess you don't really know which vital organ of mama's you are squishing and you really can't help borrowing my space anyway. Soon... soon, you can fill your own space in the world. Won't be long now when we become two and I can have my internals back in place again. Till then, stretch gently, will you?
Hi Sue,
It's a magical feeling being pregnant - and carrying the foetus till the full term, when it somehow comes out purplish and wrinkled. Take care and enjoy your pregnancy!
Posted by: Hui Kheng | March 16, 2009 at 03:18 PM
Hi Hui Kheng, Thanks for dropping a note! :O)
The "magic" is somewhat lost with me. :OP But indeed, it is a wondrous thing that God makes a human being inside me, completely out of my control but in His marvelous, creative will.
Posted by: Suwei Ong | March 19, 2009 at 10:31 AM
hi suwei
recently chanced on another HS mum's blog. she gave birth to #7. found her blog informative. tot of u as i was reading on the info on natural birth.
Posted by: Shiow Lin | March 25, 2009 at 12:53 AM
That was really cute! I loved it!
Posted by: Naomi | June 01, 2010 at 09:38 PM
Haha...Thanks, Naomi. You can relate? ;)
That was posted over a year ago and now, no.5 baby is already 14 mths old! Time flies. But I don't miss being in third trimester.
Posted by: Suwei | June 02, 2010 at 10:02 AM