My, she's grown! She can hit her head against her baby bath tub when she kicks during her bath.
Her poor face is covered in little spots (baby acne). It's normal. It clears up by itself. Happened with all my babies so I'm not worried. I'm only wondering why people like to touch the spots (with hands I doubt they've washed) when they comment that she's got spots. (?!?!)
Her thighs are gaining a nice plump fleshiness. She's outgrowing the Drypers S size due to her thigh expansion. :OP
Today I just cleaned up the pus at her BCG site after her bath. ickky.
Thoughts About Mixed Feeding
Coming from a mom who has a breast feeding experience of more than four years added together, I'm really enjoying bottle feeding! *ducks from all the militant breastfeeding advocates*
Breastfeeding is great in that it's really the perfect perfect food that God gives to baby through mommy. It's wonderful. Always nutritionally balanced, always at the right temperature. No bottles to wash, or sterilize. And this is the reason why I am continuing to breast feed no. 5.
Trouble is, breastfeeding takes so long! After 15 mins on one side, change poopy diaper, burp, try to wake sleepy infant, etc. etc. it'll be one hour before the feed is through. (1 hour is my cut off time.)
And many times, you don't get a full feed done, the baby wakes up hungry in 1 hour, 2 hours crying. (Think 1am, 3 am, 4am...) Baby is forever stuck to mommy.
Trust me: Been there, done that.
Gotta aim carefully!!
Bottle feeding on the other hand is so quick! Gulp gulp gulp, a burp in between, and we're done! Not even 20 mins. Baby is happy and comfortably fed and burped, mommy gets to sleep.
Hubby suspects that they add some bubble gathering ingredient in the milk powder so baby burps faster. (Like Gripe Water or Infacol - available at pharmacies in Singapore.) She burps almost the moment we sit her up as opposed to waiting and waiting for that elusive bubble when breast feeding.
So, baby feeds a full feed and that lasts her 3 -4 hours. (Because formula milk is not as easily digested by baby, and hence takes longer.) None of my previous babies did that. And on a mix feed, the breast milk also lasts 3 -4 hours. I guess it's because her tummy, over this one month, has regulated to that time interval. That's 3 -4 hours is bliss for me!!! I can go about and DO things! (like help the other kids, nap, shower leisurely, blog...)
Sure, there are the minuses of having to wash bottles and get ready all the water, and the cost of milk powder (so expensive!!!) But I can live with it! :O)
And, as the above photo shows, the rest of the family can enjoy the baby and participate in her feeding, whereas previously, it was all mommy's job, 24/7.
One satisfied (but rather pensive) customer! And one happy service provider (who's on his way to learning how to carry the customer properly)!
Haha, here's also evidence of work getting done on the bed. :OP
Just make sure you keep breastfeeding. I am one of those "advocates" you joke about, you know. :-)
Posted by: Debbie Mc | May 02, 2009 at 01:48 PM
I agree you with debbie. There is no alternative of breastfeeding for child. It's really helps in growth of child.
Posted by: Finlee and Me | March 04, 2013 at 07:01 PM
I REALLY wanted to keep breastfeeding my son but he balked at it as soon as I started giving him solids. He's now nearly four and still has a bottle every day. He's EXACTLY right for all levels in his blood and he's as healthy as an ox. So, as much as I hated the idea of moving to bottles, it's been good. he also slept better overnight on bottles.
Posted by: Dolly | April 25, 2013 at 12:16 AM