Smile, mei, smile! *Gaaaah* goes mei.
That really looks like one gigantic cake next to our little one month old. :P There by the side of the cake is a little card made by no. 3 for his baby sister. So sweet of him. :O) But don't ask me why it's got rain clouds on it. Don't read too deeply into it, homemade psychologist.
Thursday evening, the kids and I got cracking in the kitchen baking a nice carrot cake for our dear baby's first month birthday celebration. It being carrot cake, there was lots of carrot to shred! No. 1 (9 yrs) single-handedly went through five bags of carrots, peeling them and sending them through the food processor (anything close to resembling a power tool, he likes), measuring them into bags of 4 1/2 Cups each. Then he ran off to play.
No. 2 (7 yrs) chopped up the walnuts and did a good job of it. No. 3 (5 yrs) still learning the ropes, was tasked to measure out 1 and a half cups of raisins in each of the three bags. He was doing a good job until he started taking the raisins back out of the bags he had already measured... :p Start again...
Friday morning, I whipped together the cream cheese frosting and frosted the cake. Then no. 2, 3 and 4 (3 yrs) had fun putting on the little gumpaste flowers I bought from Poon Huat, and in the process, getting lots of cream cheese frosting on their hands. *lick lick*
Warning!: The flowers look pretty but they taste awful! :P
So last night, we had a really nice celebration of Baby's 1st month birthday. We invited family, church family, some of my old school mates (always so nice to catch up with them), and some bloggie friends! It was really great. Hubby and I had meant for it to be an opportunity to fellowship. The kids had fun with their skate scoots and roller blades and what-nots. (haha, so, yes, my homeschooled kids do have a "social life".)
The whole Ong Family is in this pic!
The other candles were for Sis Carol and Bro Zi Yang whose birthdays happen to fall on the same day, one year apart. Today's their birthday! HAppy Birthday Bestest Baking Buddy! And Zi Yang. :p
Praise God, the cost of the event was 3/4 covered for by all the ang paos we received. God is so good to us, and thank God for such loving and giving family and friends! And not only did we receive money, there were also so many gifts to bless the little one!
Spot the Baby!
Many little body suits I need to let her wear before she outgrows them! I particularly love a sweet little baby blue dress. Also, other practical gifts like Tupperware tumblers! Thank you all so much for the blessings!!!
Happy first month, baby Magdalena!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Suwei! :)
Posted by: Carol | May 02, 2009 at 06:02 PM
Happy first month!!!! What a marvelous cake, nothing beats a home made carrot cake!! do you have a pic of it's innards??
Posted by: Clarice | May 04, 2009 at 03:56 AM
Hi Clarice! Thank you!
I checked. Unfortunately, we were all so busy serving and eating the cake, my hubby (who was tasked with the camera that night) forgot to take a pic of the cake slices. :P
Anyway, it was three 14" carrot cakes layered on top of each other. (my carrot cake recipe comes out really thin, so i bake two or three and stack them.) Iced between the layers with more cream cheese frosting.
I felt so bad about not baking more often because folks were taking 2nd and 3rd helpings and bringing home more to savour at home. Anyway, there was lots of cake...
Posted by: Suwei | May 04, 2009 at 12:57 PM
3 layers? wow! that's one ginormous cake! It's fun baking for family and friends and it must be very satisfying too seeing them enjoy the fruits of your labour!!! You SHOULD bake more often, plus you have little helpers ;)
Posted by: Clarice | May 08, 2009 at 05:36 PM
ginormous... ok, I'll add that word in my vocabulary...under cake sizes...! ;)
Take care, dearie!
Posted by: Suwei | May 08, 2009 at 08:39 PM