We were doing our yummy pineapple tarts for new year.
This is the second batch that was made on the eve of New Year, just before reunion dinner. I came home after church orchestra practice to find my sis, mom and BIL in the kitchen busying away.
BIL was in a hurry to finish the baking so he portioned the jam into super large portions, making this batch a BIG mouthful of tart. Might not be a bad thing, actually. heh heh. (Pineapple tarts do not survive long in our house. They're finished by the inhabitants here even before the guests come visiting. :p Is it like that in your house?)
Anyway, I was then stuck with extra dough. What to do with it? ??
Make an Apple Pie! (for tonight's dessert treat. We don't usually have dessert when I cook.)
Hmmmm..... I"m not sure if that is the correct type of pastry for apple pie, but in the end it worked pretty well. Yum. It was a hit.
I went to my favourite recipe site, allrecipes.com and I found a how-to video how to do a fancy lattice top on pies. Oh, and this is the recipe for the apple pie filling I used. (thanks grandma Ople!!)
And so, I followed the instructions and here we have it! My First Lattice-topped Apple Pie!! TA DAH!!!
Here's it, on the inside....
Not sure if I did it wrong but it didn't hold in one piece when I tried to transfer it on the serving plate. But it was yummy, if not messy. :p
I guess I'm one HDHM!
(Happily domesticated homeschooling mom.)