Resurrection Services @ Maranatha Baptist Church
Been busy busy with preparations, rehearsals for our Resurrection Sunday program. Glad to have had a good witness over those 2 days where we had visitors hear about God's mercy and love for them.
Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Gotta get some pics and videos of those days! I'm especially happy because it was the first time that no. 1, 2 and 3 participated in choral singing, sometimes with the adults and sometimes with other children. And under my conductor-ship! That was really special. I'll count that as part of (home)school as well. hahah.
I asked the children what they learned from their experience. They answered: following instructions, staying focused, obedience, etc. What a great learning opportunity! So thankful to God that they had a chance to sing in a choir.
In the course of choir practices and rehearsals, I earned the un-savoury title of "Pharaoh" from my brethren. I wonder why???? :p
Baby has turned 1!
Sigh. Folks were asking me if I baked anything special for her. No, actually, I didn't. Firstly, we don't really celebrate our baby's first birthdays because they won't remember much anyway. And secondly, I was too busy with rehearsals.
Nevertheless, Baby did have a nice day. We sang her Happy Birthday song all through the day, and if you left a comment on Facebook (on the Fan Page as well as my personal page), she got 3 smooshy kisses and 1 squishy hug for each comment, as promised. Actually, I more than exceeded the quota.
She's lengthening out and becoming more toddler already. She's been calling everyone Papa. She's been taking a couple of awkward steps un-aided too! Toddler phase!!! YAE!
Pinafore Project part 2
I've finally finished sewing no. 2's matching pinafore and I'm soooo happy!!! She loves it too! They look so sweet together wearing matching sister outfits. Will definitely post pics when they're ready. :)
Pics pics pics.... to be up soon! :P