Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
The Christian faith is full of anomalies. Give and you shall receive. Loose your life to find it. Be humble and you will be exalted.
The Schoolroom of Christ.
As a Master Teacher, God prepares His servants for the big tasks He has for them to do. He doesn't just throw them into the job ill equipped. This equipping is not the external like weapons, armory, nor swift and strong horses. For God, it is what is inside the person, his steel and mettle that is more important for God to count on him to faithfully carry out and finish the task.
We think of great men of the Bible like Joseph, and Moses. King David. How mighty they were in leading Israel, their great wisdom and mighty miracles. Our heroes and role models.
We need to remember that before they were great, God prepared them placing them in positions of weakness and humility. Joseph was made a slave and prisoner for many years. Moses was a shepherd in the "backside of the desert" for 40 years before God could use the impulsive Prince of Egypt. David was a humble yet brave shepherd boy.
It is in servitude that one truly learns to swallow one's pride, learn to be attentive to other's needs and place them before their own. Much of being a servant is also to manage the day to day runnings of the organization, multi-task, stay on course despite distractions, etc.
(I guess you can tell I'm speaking from my experience of 10 years of motherhood. :) Diaper changing, sleepless nights, etc. etc. )
Yet it is love that fuels the servant's actions. Love for his Master, love for those he is caring for.
I'm so touched by Agnes, I just need to share her blog to the glory of God!
http://finding--myself.Agnes is an 18 yr old ex-homeschooler who just completed homeschooling earlier this year. Yes! The same Agnes from here and here. :) Currently, she's applying for college but meanwhile, God has presented her with a very important task. She has taken on the task of caring for her dear grandma (she calls mama.) Her grandma is in the last legs of life, surviving many near death occasions, much due to complications with infected shunts (kidney dialysis). End stage Renal Failure. Lately, she seems to be going senile.
So basically, Agnes is providing hospice care for her dear mama in the final days of her life. The tenacity that this young lady shows, being thrown into a situation where emotionally, spiritually, in knowledge and wisdom, she has to fill the shoes of an older adult... she has done remarkably well. (As you read her blog, you'll agree I'm understating this fact.)
I have read somewhere that heroes are born when ordinary people are thrown into extraordinary circumstances and they make morally right choices. I hope Agnes doesn't feel embarrassed, but I think she fits the bill.
And if you asked me what being a successfully educated person is, this is it. Not that they will be able to make it Cambridge or Harvard but someone who loves God enough to roll up their sleeves and get dirty serving someone else. Come to think of it, I consider myself blessed to know many such successfully educated people in my circle of friends and brethren.
In our society where we shun all the difficult jobs and inconvenient choices, often seeking for quick fixes or for money to solve all our problems, this step to lovingly care for their grandma in her last stretch towards glory, speaks volumes of what Christian love really means.
Salute, Eliz and TL. Praise God for your decision to homeschool and by God's grace, bring up children like Agnes and Timmy with such strong moral fiber. In God's timetable, checking from the records in His Word, they are destined for GREAT things.
PS> remember to send Agnes and her family an email of encouragement, yah?