This is My fav pic of our field trip to watch youth olympics Handball last Friday.
I feel it captures the feeling of the noise level quite well. :)right now as I type, no.1 has gone with some of the men from church to watch the singapore vs Haiti football match at jalan besar stadium. Go Singapore! Go Haiti!
This week we've got tickets to watch 2 other events, canoe kayaking and volleyball. Whoo hoo! (Canoe kayaking slalom because it's at the scenic marina reservoir. :p ) Really thankful for tickets!
School can go on "half steam" for a bit so that the children can experience watching some sports! :) I'm the main school planner so I get to decide. Haha!
It's also a great time to teach them concepts of measurement and time and comparisons like fast, faster, fastest!
Oh ....I love the flexibility of homeschooling! Hope you guys have a's a rare opportunity.
Posted by: Chwee Tan | August 23, 2010 at 07:33 AM