The words read: "to mama and papa. Thank you for helping us pack our room and cooking for us, I love you very much. Thank you for loveing us also, thank you for puting us first, and teaching us."
Awww... What more reward can a parent ask for? :) I asked her what she meant by us putting them first. She said like after cooking, I make sure they have their food first before I get to eating mine. I guess she took notice if that at dinner time just now.
I love my family and the precious children God has blessed hubby and me with! Thanking God that I can be here at home to enjoy time with them, watching them grow and guiding them in His ways.
Sent from my iPhone (while being bored watching F1)
Upon afterthought, I felt the need to add.....
This is 2 days after the above post.
Everyone would love to have children who are thoughtful and appreciative. Children are not born that way. Not that I want to take credit but I would attribute dear daughter's behaviour to our learning the Word of God constantly, at home, as part of school and at church.
I just know that one of the verses in the back of her mind would be this one which she has memorized:
Philippians 2:3-4 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
There's loads and loads more we could do in this area of Bible memorization but we are encouraged to take ACTION! ;)
aw... so sweet n touching... the fruit of yr labour of love .. sowing love in yr children.
Posted by: Shiow Lin | September 27, 2010 at 01:11 AM
thanks Shiow Lin. :)By God's grace.
Posted by: Suwei | September 27, 2010 at 03:57 PM
Praise the Lord! i get very inspired reading your blog. it warms my heart and there are moments i just sit and thank God for people like you and Mr. Ong, who knowing or unknowingly model for many how to do 'family'
Posted by: mun loon | September 28, 2010 at 05:24 PM
Thank you, dear Mun Loon! You are wise to say that "knowing and unknowingly" bit. ;)
Knowingly: Indeed, this blog definitely a deliberate attempt to do this:
Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
This blog is to document how one Singaporean family is attempting to live out our Bible convictions in a most practical manner. And it is a challenge to other Christian families to also check the Word of God and take Him at His Word!
Unknowingly: Indeed is a scary thought because we do fall far short in many areas of loving God and His Word, doing His will. And I'd hate people to pattern that!!
All the best to you even as you start your own family soon. May He lead and guide you as you seek His will. :)
Posted by: Suwei | September 28, 2010 at 07:35 PM