hello! One armed bandit typing here! (Other arm filled with cutie lil' milk monster.)
I do get emails from readers of this blog. queries regarding homeschooling, mostly. My pet peeve is when people mistake me for some kind of information kiosk and fail to enquire with courtesy. But thankfully, in all my years of blogging, I have not received even one nasty email or comment post.
On the contrary, I get emails now n then from readers who tell me they are encouraged by my writing and to thank me. I never fail to feel humbled and blessed to think that God can use me in this simple way to be an encouragement to people by sharing the way of life He has shown me and hubby to live. Yes, I am mostly stuck in the home (12 years now..) but through this blog, I can reach and minister to people outside. The blessings of the internet! :)
So I just thought I'd share snippets of some of the recent emails I have received. (Over the years I have received many.) Thank you so much for writing to tell me and I am so encouraged to keep blogging and just simply sharing my journey, how the Lord is leading me and my family. :)
"I am a stay at home mom of 3 kids, aged 4, 5 1/2 and 7. Thank you so much for your sharing. I feel so so encouraged!"
"It's been just so uplifting to hear your experiences with homeschooling in Singapore. Thank God for an wonderful example of a courageous sister in Christ!"
"i came across your blog while researching (again) on the possibility of homeschooling for my older boy (long story).........well, i just want to say thanks for blogging and i will continue to read your blog for inspiration. :)"
And this email really takes the cake. It was written by a young lady and it brought tears to my eyes....
"I dont know you personally, but I have been following your blog since i was 19 ( 2009) and i just want to say a big thank you to you.
Your blog or rather your life has been a great inspiration to me and i dare say some of my foundational values and mindsets. ........
so, aunty suwei, i just want to let you know, that you have a faithful reader of your blog, and young online friend that is so impacted and inspired by your life testimony, your stories and ultimately you and your husband love and fear for the Lord. I admire your courage, your determination to obey our Heavenly Father to homeschool your kids. and your blog has played a huge role in helping me with the many convictions in life, and obviously, one of it being homeschooling. "
A young life impacted for the Lord! For even one who will be turned to the Lord and His Word, it is worth it all....
Have a blessed weekend, folks!