Last night, was a musical night of choir for my three homeschooling teens! Now, most kids have opportunity to sing in choir in School. Choir, like other group activities eg. team sports, is something that homeschoolers usually find other homeschoolers to do together. So this special choir, which is a part of Cantus Novus Academy headed by Ms Tina Nguyen, is made up of mainly homeschoolers! So last night's concert was a Homeschooler get together of sorts! Wonderful!
Would you believe those peach-colored dresses were custom tailored by a teen homeschooler?? That's another interesting story to tell: how and why she went into dress-making!
Ms Tina is standing on the right next to the lady in the red dress. And the accompanist is on the left, standing next to my son, Isaac, holding a bouquet.
With Ms Tina. They love her to bits.
Isaac even got to sing the opening lines of O Come Emmanuel, his first solo for singing! <3 Ms Tina does such a great job with vocal training, as you will hear in the video.
Aww, he expressed the longing so well. I told him that we have to draw from our life experiences to express the feelings of the song. And so he told me he thought about the time when he was small and got lost and how he was looking for me. Awwww.....
There were presentations by the different choirs (from the petite children's choir to the youth) and also some piano duets and vocal small groups. While the music presented last night was rich and glorious, everyone gave their very best effort and the music was of very good quality, this post is more about my observations of homeschooled kids.
This morning, my teen asked me, Mom, do you think there are any mean homeschoolers? Everyone's so nice. I said, maybe it's just that the mean ones don't want to join the choir? lol
I've been observing homeschooled children for more than 20 years now and last night, I observed a little more! This I can safely say, these children are reflections of their parents and their home environment and I saw children who were raised in a gentle environment, full of love, acceptance and encouragement.
There was a piano duet by two boys, both quite little, one more little than the other. They aren't siblings. When the song was done, I noticed the older little boy, in a quick but sincere action, give the younger one a "well done" pat on the head, right there at the piano before they took their bow. I thought that was so sweet and "big" of that little boy. He must be raised in a home that is full of these gestures and words of encouragement.
Last night, I was carrying baby Megan in my arms during the concert. I think I'm experienced enough to know when she is going to do an all-out yell and make a quick exit before that ever happened! :p Sometimes, though, she would let out a little squeal.
When she did, the boy around 10 years of age, sitting in the row in front of me would turn around and give baby a warm smile. I could tell he loved babies and again, I thought, this is a homeschooled child who has an appreciation of babies!
It's kinda sad that many younger people in our society don't have a chance to interact with babies. (Is it a wonder we have such a dearth of babies in our country?!?) During a recent interview, I brought my then-3 week old to the set. The fresh graduate crew-lady told me she has never seen a 3 week old before. How sad, I thought!
And recently, the family visited our eldest son's studio in his Poly, after school hours. Most of his course mates knew he got a new baby sister this year, so son was quite happy for the opportunity to show the baby to his friends. He cradled her and visited the various rooms of the studio where his friends were working. I was quite tickled by the reactions of one or two friends who kinda looked at my son and the baby with faces that said, Okaaay? What do you want me to do/say? Awkward. You can tell when people don't know babies. (or dogs, for that matter. I've noticed.)
I'm not saying all homeschoolers are familiar with babies. I'm saying it's nice that children raised at home have more chance to spend lots of time with their siblings and it shows.
Last week, I had the chance to sit in during two of my kid's choir rehearsals. I really enjoyed Ms Tina's friendly but professional coaching style. I also noticed her accompanist, a 17 yr old homeschooler who is pursuing a diploma in piano. (see group picture above.) I was so impressed by her, not just her very skilful playing but her attentiveness during practice. When the conductress stops and starts, the pianist is right there, following her every instruction, giving the right notes for all the sections to begin. Seriously, I was utterly impressed by her attentiveness and excellent work ethic. My daughter got to make friends with her too. She has a very pleasant, friendly and sweet personality!
When I look at Homeschooled children, I often can see an imprint of their parent's manner on them. And when that parent has Christ's love overflowing in their hearts, it flows into the lives of the children so naturally too. I observed that last night.
THANKS for taking the time to drop by! This blog exists to de-mystify homeschooling in Singapore. I love sharing about our family life as Chrstian homeschoolers. If you have any questions about homeschooling or Christian parenting, I would try my best to reply! Email me at [email protected] or post a comment!