Your blog has been an encouragement to
me, and it's been inspiring to see how you teach your 2 older children
to read the Word daily. I would like to find out at what age did
you start doing this, as I wonder if it is possible to (and if so, then
how) do this with preschoolers? Where to start, how do you know to
cross-reference, for example? Appreciate your advice. Thanks
I thought the reply called for a post all of its own for other readers'
benefit! I'm glad my blog has been an encouragement to you. To God be
the Glory, great things He hath done.
Here a little.. there a little
Oh we don't have to clothe Bible education in large words
like Creation or Omnipotence. When we walk by the way, we just talk
about the sun and say, Look! God put the sun in the sky! There's creation right there. :O) And you just build up their knowledge line upon line, here a little, there a little.
There's much to learn about the character
of God even in looking at the flowers He created. I love to show my
children how perfectly measured and arranged petals of flowers are and
then draw from that to say that God is a very neat God and very orderly
and loves beauty. His designs have always been inspiration for man to
learn good design from. Look at the aeroplane.
Bible Time: Warning about Picture Bibles
for "formal" bible time, from babyhood, we do use picture bibles and
read to them. We make sure that the drawings are acceptable because the
children will form impressions of God's Holy Word from these pictures.
This is a reason why some parents will even stay away from picture
bibles altogether because it can lead children into a wrong
understanding of God's word.
For instance, how many of us picture Jonah in the whale (Bible says "big fish") sitting quite comfortably in this cavernous rib-cage of the whale tummy, with a few sea weed hanging here and there for effect. Actually, scientifically speaking, a person sitting in the gut of a big fish would not be surrounded by that much of space and air. His skin would begin to be digested by the gastric juices of the fish. Coming out of the fish after three days and three nights in there, he would have looked awfully bleached. That might be the reason that the people of Nineveh repented so quickly at Jonah's warning of God's impending judgment upon them.
So much of (liberal) interpretation on the part of the illustrators. My children often ask, mama, is this what Moses looks like? I'll often have to tell them, no, it's someone's imagination.
And of course, we don't believe that Jesus looked like a gentle faced Caucasian with long hair and feminine features.The Bible tells us that when He was a man on earth, He was not handsome at all!
Isaiah 53:2-3
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of
a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see
him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and
rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we
hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him
It is good to note also that there was nothing in His
appearance (or some kind of charisma) that drew people to Him. Judas
had to go to the length of giving Jesus a kiss as a signal to the Roman
soldiers that this was the man they were looking for- the man who was
causing so much controversy!
And Jesus, now seated on the right hand of God in Glory, is just beyond any man's poor depiction in art.
So do be careful of images of God and His word.
Having said that, as a parent, I do see that young children can benefit from illustrations and depictions of scenes can and do help children understand the story. Choose a safe one, and always check the doctrines!
But it is not the only tool available to the parent/ teacher.
Troop Movement!
describe battles (like I'm doing now with Joshua and Israel's military
conquests of Canaan land), I use whatever I can find in our schoolroom
to represent cities, armies, characters, etc. That is always fun. Like
the ambush plan that God instructed of Joshua in the battle for Ai.
(Joshua 8) We used several books to represent this group of soldiers
and that group, moving here, hiding there.
I get their stuffed toys to role play as well.
Bible Curriculum
you are the kind who is more comfortable with a program that you can
follow, just look up the links on the right hand column of this blog
for the Christian homeschool Curriculum providers. There's lots to
reference and buy. Good for teaching bible at home.
Cross Referencing
you asked about cross referencing. Personally, I do it from my
knowledge of the Word. Much from listening to good bible based
preaching at church.
(Follow the link and there are some mp3 recordings of our Sunday
sermons there.) From study, and there was walk through the bible course
I did with my husband some years back. Faith Bible Institute. So, keep
digging in the Word. God's word is rich with treasure!
I do train my children in "cross referencing", though I don't think they know it. :Op Like if we talk about Lazarus who had died and came back to life again, I'll ask them if they can remember another person who that happened to. Or if they can name all the mothers of the bible who had children in their old age. It's drawing from their pool of knowledge gathered over the weeks, months, years..
We're finishing off the life of Joshua now. I asked the children, when we meet him in heaven one day, if we told him, You're a hero! what would his response be? No. 1's reply was that he'd say, It was nothing much (that I did) but God did it all.
And we're excited to look into the life of David next! :O)
Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Hi there Suwei, thanks for the wonderful posting on teaching the Bible to our pre-schoolers. Will try to weave in some of the ideas in my conversations with my daughter. By the way, my heartiest congrats to you on your latest addition to the family :) May the Lord continue to bless you and family with lots of joy and laughter in the days ahead!
Posted by: Yi Huey | September 02, 2008 at 09:23 PM
Hi Yi Huey, Thanks! I'm glad this post has been helpful to you. May God bless you as you introduce Him to your child. There is nothing better that you can do for your child but to lead her to Christ, amen?
And thanks for the congratulations! :o)
All God's blessings,
Posted by: Suwei | September 03, 2008 at 08:37 AM
Thanks this is great timing for what I am looking for at home! Love to know you more.
Posted by: Sharon | April 12, 2011 at 04:34 PM
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for dropping by! Glad to meet you and glad this post was timely for your family as well. :)
Posted by: Suwei | April 12, 2011 at 08:31 PM