> A Piece of Wedding Cake

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The Geek Element

The Geek Element

John and Clara's Tetris Wedding Cake. A cake that will go down in history.

It was top two tiers carrot cake (the bride's favourite), and bottom tier was Chocolate mud cake. Covered in white fondant, indented with lines and painted with luster dust to match the wedding theme colours of burgundy and gold.

The custom made tetris toppers and ornaments were made of Scupley. The ornaments were positioned to look like they were rotating and falling.

The topper was a J and a C, the couple's initials, that were actually four magnetised tetriminoes. It was taken apart by the bride and groom after the cake cutting and fitted on to the carved out holes in the sides of the cake. The line was completed and the cake was then to "disappear"!
